Building and developing knowledge of regional conflicts

The student who has mastered the discipline: Should know:
- theories and methodology of regional conflict research;
 - types of regional conflicts;
- the main reasons for the emergence and dynamics of regional conflicts;
- Strategies and technologies for regional conflict resolution.
Must be able to:
- Trace trends in the origins, development and conclusion of regional conflicts;
- Analyze the stages of development of regional conflicts and understand their nature;
 - identify the content of this scientific and practical discipline, the role and place of regional conflicts in international relations, the general theory of regional security;
- Develop a set of measures to resolve regional conflicts.
Must own:
- skills of independent work with scientific literature, including methodological materials on prevention and settlement of regional conflicts;
- concepts and categories of regional conflictology;
- skills in developing applied research programs in the field of regional conflicts;
- skills to express and justify their position on the development and settlement of regional conflicts.
Shall demonstrate the ability and willingness to:
- use the conceptual apparatus of the theory of regional conflict, its analysis and resolution;
 - building mechanisms to harmonize the interests of the parties to the conflict;
- Use mediation and negotiation practices in conflict resolution;
- Conduct academic and applied research in the field of regional conflict resolution.