1. Purpose and objectives of mastering the discipline (module) The purpose of mastering the discipline "Diplomatic and Consular Service" is to implement the training of students in the direction of "Regional Studies" in the field of diplomacy, diplomatic and consular service, providing theoretical and methodological and practical training, development of practical skills and abilities, solving various problems in the field of foreign political, intra-regional and interregional relations. Tasks of mastering the discipline: - to form a system of knowledge in students about the main trends in the development of modern diplomatic service of the Kyrgyz Republic and other states; - to form professional competencies of students in terms of ensuring a high level of their theoretical-methodological and practical training on the problems of diplomacy and diplomatic service. - fuller and deeper assimilation by each student of the essence, tendencies and peculiarities occurring in the world practice of organization of diplomatic processes; - Students will acquire competencies in understanding the mechanisms of functioning of diplomatic institutions; - develop practical skills and abilities to solve political and managerial, organizational and legal, information and analytical, personnel and other tasks within the framework of professional support of the activities of public authorities in the implementation of foreign policy interests of the Kyrgyz Republic; - to form such professional qualities of the future regional expert, which would take into account the peculiarities of organization and functioning of diplomatic and consular service at home and abroad. Place of the discipline in the structure of the basic educational program of higher professional education This discipline belongs to the part formed by participants of educational processes and is taught in the seventh semester (4 - course). Logically, content-methodologically related to such disciplines as "Diplomatic protocol, ceremonial and etiquette", "History of Kyrgyz diplomacy", "Diplomacy of foreign countries", "Diplomatic documentation", "Economic diplomacy". "History of international relations", "Theory and history of diplomacy", "Modern international relations" and serves to study the basics of diplomatic and consular service of the Kyrgyz Republic, theoretical and practical issues of their functioning. After studying the theoretical sections of the course and passing the practical training in the scope of the working program, the student should have an idea: - on the system of formation and realization of foreign policy of states at the present stage; - on the main problems of foreign policy and national security of the Kyrgyz Republic at the present stage; - on the main stages of formation of institutions of diplomatic and consular service of states, on the role and place of norms of international politeness in modern diplomacy; - on aspects of the influence of the foreign policy situation in the country on the work of diplomatic missions; - on the role of international organizations in the development of diplomatic relations; - on the importance of the ceremonial side in the conduct of various acts of state.
should know: - basic regularities of the organization of diplomatic and consular service in the Kyrgyz Republic and foreign countries; - Methods and techniques of diplomacy, diplomatic strategy and tactics; - requirements for a diplomatic service employee; structure, principles and methods of work of public authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of foreign policy and international relations; - principles of organization of protocol service of the Kyrgyz Republic and abroad; on symbols of the state sovereignty. must be able to: - apply theoretical knowledge in practice; - make generalizations about socially significant problems and processes; - use the methods of political, legal, socio-economic sciences in various types of professional activities; - organize protocol and business events; - be fluent in the techniques and methods of public speaking, possess the culture of speech; - utilize sources and acquire new knowledge in their chosen profession; must own. - political and legal specifics of the Kyrgyz Republic's position and understand the opportunities and limitations of the regions' cross-border and other international ties; - techniques of collecting, storing and processing information, including the use of electronic computer equipment; - apply modern theories and concepts of international relations in analyzing and forecasting the development of domestic political and foreign policy processes, international relations; - predict the development of international problems, including in the "near abroad" zone - must have experience in: practical skills of collecting and analyzing foreign policy information;