
The discipline "Stylistics" is intended to familiarize and form a holistic view of stylistic norms, stylistic differentiation of language.#The content of the academic discipline "Stylistics" gives a holistic view of the language as a system of norms, options and opportunities, contributes to the education of stylistic flair, mastering the skills and abilities of stylistically appropriate language use and text construction, the formation of students' stylistic and communicative competence.
#The course "Stylistics "    The course "Stylistics " assumes the development of students' linguistic abilities, expansion of linguistic outlook, education of linguistic taste and flair, consolidation of skills and abilities of communicatively expedient selection of language units, free use of the whole range of language means in various speech situations, formation of normative value of native speakers, mastery of speech improvisation techniques. The mastering of this discipline is necessary as a preceding stage for studying the following disciplines: "Practical course of the first foreign language", "Practical course of the second foreign language", "Theory and practice of translation", "Translation practice", "Translation practice", "Interpretation practice", when preparing term papers, for academic and other types of practice.